What Else Does Our Contractor Offer?

Explore options like painting services in the Pagosa Springs, CO area

Whether you want to paint your interior or update your landscape, you can rely on Black Diamond Home Repair and Services. Our experienced contractor is based in Pagosa Springs, CO and offers painting services, landscaping services and appliance installation services.

Select a new color scheme for your place

When you’re ready for new interior colors, we can provide residential painting services. You can count on us for careful taping, preparation, painting and cleanup. We also offer commercial painting services, as well as deck staining and painting. Call 970-903-2016 now for details.

Update your landscape with a water feature

Would you like a stunning fountain or a peaceful waterfall in your yard? We handle custom small and medium projects. We’ll also install lighting to highlight the water feature at night. You can expect us to provide a guarantee and take care of maintenance and repairs.